Alchemy Home Organizing

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Ch-ch-ch-changes… A new chapter begins

Fall has always felt like a natural time for change. For letting go. For shifting perspectives and priorities.

In Chinese Medicine, autumn is associated with the element of metal. Cool, discerning, and sharply intellectual, metal gives us the ability to cut through overwhelm and discern what it is truly important. (This is why fall is such a great time to declutter!)

For me, the season has brought with it many big, exciting changes, each requiring some form of “letting go.”

The most drastic change has been that I started grad school (what?!). After over a year of researching schools, writing application essays, debating my options, and finally driving 1,900 miles across the country, I’ve now completed my first week of grad school in the MA of Counseling program at Southwestern College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It feels surreal after so much time spent anticipating and imagining this shift. And even though there have already been several moments of doubt (“who am I to be here?!”), I can genuinely say that being here feels… right.

The other big shifts that have also been months in the making concern the business.

First of all, I’m thrilled to be welcoming several new organizers to my team. We’ve been a small team of 3 for the past year, and I’m so happy to be at a place to expand our ability to serve by bringing on new team members! I’ll be adding their bios over the next few weeks, so keep an eye on the About Us page.

And now for the super-big decision I’ve been mulling over for weeks:

Spirit House Interiors has now officially transformed into… (drum roll please)…

Alchemy Home Organizing!

al·chem·ize: to transform the nature or properties of something by a seemingly magical process.

It took a while for this new name to come to me, but I’d known for some time that I wanted to choose a name that better reflected the fact that organizing has become the primary service we offer. When I first opened my business, I was still working with one foot in the organizing world and one in the holistic design world. I created offerings designed not only to help peeople get organized, but to harmonize the energy in their home through feng shui and interior design. And while I still love this work, it is no longer the focus of this business. It is also not something that I expect my team of organizers to be able to provide, as it was the result of my somewhat unique combination of interests and education.

And so, with greater focus and clarity than ever, I’m over the moon to introduce Alchemy Home Organizing to the world.

I will be carrying on the work here in Santa Fe, and my fabulous team will be holding down the fort back in the DC metro area.

So if you’re feeling like you could use a little help harnessing the decluttering powers of the autumn season, you know where to find us :-)

